“Blocks” Defined by a Stutterer

A stutterer’s take on “what is a block?”

A block is pretty quiet. It’s a fluency disruption, of sorts. Really, it’s just an unplanned pause in the conversation.

Blocks are SUPER common for people who stutter (I even know people who only block!), but they get zero representation.

Blocks are a pain because the listener may not know what’s happening. They just hear this long pause before your name. Cue the question “did you forget your name?”

Blocks are the common reason people who stutter are hung up on via the phone. No one’s talking? Click. Guess you’ll have to wait on hold another hour again. Except probably not, because no way am I calling back after that. Or calling anyone. For like a week.

When you see a block out in the wild, you may think the person is got their mouth hanging open while thinking. Sometimes their eyes will be shut (not always) and sometimes their neck will be tense (we are trying so hard).

Filling in blocks is tempting for some reason - but don’t do it. The person who stutters has the word. It feels like it’s literally in your throat, trying to get out.

Eventually, it will. Just give us a minute.

✨✨ This is part of the speech terms as defined by a person who stutters series! These are not the clinical definitions! Though that would be sick. ✨✨

The Series:
Block | Repetition | Prolongation

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