Deedee Scalzetti - Quote


Acceptance, to me, means the changing of hopes.

People who stutter, caregivers, SLPs, they often hope for fluency. Even as the chances of fluency diminish, we’re still waiting for the day we wake up fluent.

Like Deedee, many of us have had to realize: fluency isn’t coming. It won’t be riding a white horse to save us anytime … ever. It’s a hard lesson.

But it does something -

It turns our life into something we have influence over. To realize maybe we can save ourselves - be who we’ve wanted to be. Stutter and all. And we can advocate for ourselves. We can teach our friends how to advocate for us. We can practice self-care and kindness, and we can wind up being okay.

Read Deedee’s full blog post on MySpeech’s website - it’s a good one.

[[Quote: I held out hope for years that something, some day, would magically cure me. But nothing did. The only thing that ever eventually made a difference was me.]]

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Word Swap Wednesday: Fix


Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering (ARTS)